All Hallows Eve 2012

The Daughter will go out tonight, but because of her peanut allergy, she generally gets to keep less than 50% of her haul; her mother gets the rest.

For all my lifetime, through 2006, the end of Daylight Saving Time in most of the United States was on the last Sunday in October. But thanks to the powerful candy lobby, which wants children to be able to trick or treat on Halloween with more daylight, and its ally, the dentist lobby, which wants children to rot their teeth, it’s been pushed back to the first Monday in November. It’s this time of year that always confuses me in terms of what time it in other countries, since the start and end of DST/British Summer Time does not happen simultaneously. Go to this site to see what time it is around the world.

Glad to see that Mark Evanier has ended his war on candy corn.; well, almost. He still doesn’t like it, but as long as he doesn’t have to eat it, he doesn’t care if you do. I happen to like it, in moderation. Can’t seem to find a decent video of I Don’t Like Candy Corn by Moose and Zee from Nick Jr., which I remember watching with my daughter a few years back.

The Daughter will go out tonight, but because of her peanut allergy, she generally gets to keep less than 50% of her haul; her mother gets the rest. She’s going as a soccer player, BTW, which is a bit of a cheat since she IS.

Here’s something I may not have mentioned; I don’t particularly like peanut butter. Actually, that’s not true – I HATE peanut butter. Odd thing is that I loved it as a kid, specifically Jif. I remember eating it when I was three or four. I think I must have had too much at some point because now the smell makes me nauseous, and the taste is intolerable. I’m not allergic; I can eat peanuts, though I don’t love them.

I’ve dressed up for Halloween as an adult, but not for at least a decade.

Having never seen a movie from the Halloween movie series, I’m not planning to start now. Yet I know more about the series than I care to because FantaCo, where I worked in the 1980s, sold a number of Michael Myers masks, and other items of interest. But my buddy Steve Bissette revisits the film, and also reviews 2016: OBAMA’S AMERICA (2012).

Go search SamuraiFrog’s blog for Halloween goodness. Then, courtesy of Jaquandor, listen to spooky music – if you dare!

The Library of Congress: The Fantasy and Folklore of All Hallows
The Food and Drug Administration: Halloween Food Safety Tips for Parents
The Census Bureau: Facts for Features: Halloween

Ramblin' with Roger
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