September rambling #1: Cheap Prosperity Gospel

the last surviving veteran of the Boer Wars

Hell hath no fury like Mother Earth scorned; Floods in India, Bangladesh, Nepal kill over 1200

Don’t Fall for Hurricane Charity Scams

Was Barack Obama President During Hurricane Katrina? Did Trump Saved Two Cats After Hurricane Harvey? And how are these even asked?

Obama on DACA and fate of 800,000 uncertain

The foundation of this presidency is the negation of Barack Obama’s legacy

The hateful beliefs The Nashville Statement endorses have real-life, devastating consequences to LGBTQ people. In response to it, a Nazareth Statement

When the Rich Said No to Getting Richer

How America Lost Its Mind

The Cheap Prosperity Gospel of Trump and Osteen

Holy tabouli! Shawarma Law – not sharia law – is taking over Dearborn

Neoliberalism: the idea that swallowed the world

Mel Brooks, The Producers and the Ethics of Satire about N@zis

The White Flight of Derek Black

This is true: An episode of the 1950s western TV series ‘Trackdown’ featured a snake oil salesman named ‘Trump’ who promised to build a wall in order to prevent the end of the world

Online Censorship: A Global Map & Ranking of Every Country’s Internet Restrictions

Hollywood was exploring sexuality, gender, and feminism in the 1930s—but one man stopped it

I’m 35 and I may suddenly have lost the rest of my life. I’m panicking, just a bit

How are you? An answer from someone with Asperger’s

Why Is Male Anger So Threatening?

That old gang of mine – Arthur on aging, and John Green turns 40

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?

Places In Idyllic 1960s Postcards Have Transformed Into Scenes Of Abandonment

Richard Anderson, of ‘Six Million Dollar Man’ and ‘Bionic Woman,’ Dies at 91

Shelley Berman, Stand-Up Comic Who Skewered Modern Life, Dies at 92

George Frederick Ives– when he died in 1993 at the age of 111, he was the last surviving veteran of the Boer Wars

Now I Know: The Rhino Guards and Why the Rainbow Tastes Different Depending on Where You Are


September -Earth, Wind & Fire

Alf Clausen has created many classic ‘Simpsons’ songs

K-Chuck Radio: Studio 54 hangovers for a 54 year old man

Coverville 1183: The Squeeze Cover Story II

Thriller – Kentucky Vocal Union

Alan Lomax

The Shaggs Reunion Concert Was Unsettling, Beautiful, Eerie, and Will Probably Never Happen Again

Do bootlegs matter? What Discogs’ new crackdown means for the site’s future

Spotify Says They Don’t Owe Anything for ‘Mechanicals’

A Sense of Proportionality

Getting lost is the fact that OWS changed the conversation. The narrative that wealth trickling down works has been largely rejected. The notion that your can’t fight back against the banks has been proven to be false.

Things in the world have been annoying me, and I think there’s a common theme: everything seems to be perceived as equal as everything else. I go to a news aggregator and I see the latest on the wars, a bad weather event, and the most recent person voted off a reality show, and it’s all treated similarly, as though they have the equivalent news value.

There has been a run of misstatements by US politicians recently, and they are not the same at all. US Senate Majority leader Harry Reid recently talked about being done before the Easter recess, then quickly corrected himself to say Thanksgiving. In a debate, Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry has a brain freeze and can’t remember the departments he’d eliminate, and some pundits declare his candidacy over; it WAS bad but human. GOP candidate Herman Cain not seeming to know that China had gotten nuclear missiles – over 40 years ago! – or the US position vis a vis Khaddafy’s Libya seems less like a gaffe, which I think means a relatively trivial matter, and more like a fundamental shortcoming.
Re; the Occupy Wall Street, et al movement. There were basic truths about income inequality that fueled the protests. But recent polling suggests that the OWS has become less popular, not, I submit, because of the wrongness of the original premise, but because of the obfuscation over whether or not the protesters had the right to essentially live in public parks, and the manner in which they were removed by the police. In fact, it has been the heavy-handed response by authorities in many cities, such as NYC; Oakland, CA; Burlington, VT; Portland, OR; and Chapel Hill, NC, which has actually energized the movement, rather than defeat it. Of course, I know from too many rallies that “the people, united, can never be defeated.”

Getting lost by critics is the fact that OWS changed the conversation. The narrative that wealth trickling down works has been largely rejected. The notion that you can’t fight back against the banks has been proven to be false. There’s a pushback against the idea that unions are all costly, terrible mistakes. There is an economic disparity, and if there is a class war, it isn’t the 99% waging it. So a poll of whether one supports the movement is facile at best.
Another issue: the alleged sex crimes at Penn State. Jaquandor hit on much of it when he noted that PSU isn’t the victim here; children allegedly are. And I should say here, I suppose, that Jerry Sandusky is innocent of the charges against him until proven guilty. What I am compelled to note, though, is guilty or not, Jerry Sandusky is an idiot. Who thought it was a good idea to agree to a phone interview on national television? His lawyer, who had a child by an underage girl more than 30 years his junior? His lawyer is an idiot too.

I read an article by a local retired journalist, which I cannot now find, that suggests that people have watched so many “real” people interviewed on TV after a tragedy that they feel some sort of obligation to do the same. This is a false assumption, and especially when one has been indicted. Sandusky, from everything I’ve seen of him, seems to think HE’S the misunderstood victim here. Some free legal advice: Jerry Sandusky should say NOTHING, at least until his trial.

What the heck is behind Congress considering a bill counting pizza as a vegetable? A paean to some fast-food lobby or hostility towards Michelle Obama’s efforts towards healthier living? Or something else?

I believe in intellectual property rights, but the Stop Online Piracy Act, proposed in the House of Representatives, and the companion bill PROTECT IP (Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act) is a pair of oxymoronic newspeak titles, just like peacekeeper missiles and the USA PATRIOT Act. As an intellectual property attorney I know puts it, the proposed law is “insidious and dangerous. It will change, some say break, the internet as we know it, by turning the internet into a limited portal where you can’t do much more than buy what they want you to buy, and only from them, and to read only what they want you to read, and for a price.”

Yet the legislation has a good chance of passing with bipartisan political support, despite the opposition of Google, AOL, eBay, Facebook, Linked In, Mozilla, Twitter, Yahoo, and Zynga. This is bad law, and could easily affect those not in the United States as well,

Done ranting. Or, I’ve run out of time.

Ramblin' with Roger
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