Urgent Request for Donations for Ellazar Williams

Thank you in advance for your compassion and generosity towards this young man.

Ellazar WilliamsBlessings from Rev. Renee Hollinshed, MS – revrenee@focuschurches.net
FOCUS Interim Executive Director

Recently you may have seen the news story of Ellazar Williams, a 19-year-old man who became paralyzed after being shot in the back by Albany (NY) police. Read more HERE or HERE.

Ellazar is in desperate need of supplies and funds. If you are able to purchase or provide any of the items on the following list, please bring them to any one of these locations (call for available drop-off times) by Monday, December 3rd at Noon:

Items needed for ELLAZAR WILLIAMS:
Full size bed sheets
Full size plastic bed cover
Full size blankets/comforter
Clorox bleach
Lemon Scented ammonia
Pine sol
Mr. Bubbles
Bathtub cleaner scouring pads
Ajax or gain dish soap
Gain laundry detergent
Dove body wash
Dove bar soap
Shampoos and conditioner (any kind)
Body cream/lotion
Lots of paper towels
Toilet paper

– FOCUS Churches of Albany, 275 State St., Albany NY 12210 (518) 443-0460

– First Church in Albany, 110 North Pearl St., Albany NY 12201 (518) 463-4449

– Macedonia Baptist Church, 26 Wilson Ave., Albany NY 12205 (518) 489-4370

– Walls Temple AME Zion Church, 27 Delaware St., Albany NY 12202 (518) 449-1447

– Fifth Ave. AME Zion Church, 189 5th Ave., Troy, NY 12180 (518) 326-1556

– Unity Church, 21 King Ave., Albany, NY 12206 (518) 453-3603

Learn more about Ellazar and donate money directly here.

Thank you in advance for your compassion and generosity towards this young man.

Ramblin' with Roger
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