Why the Hobby Lobby decision is bad for people of faith

Hobby Lobby is not a church, or any other form of religious institution, yet, many will argue, is being treated as though it were one.

FaithFlagsI’ve actually written my responses to all of you folks who participated in Ask Roger Anything this past round. And the rest of you people can STILL ASK.

But I’ve bumped my responses back a couple of days to answer Arthur; I even postponed my answer to Arthur’s earlier question, so it’s his own fault. He wrote, in response to this post about the US Supreme Court case regarding a store chain, Hobby Lobby, providing contraceptive care:

I’d really like to see you expand on how YOU see this ruling as bad for people of faith. Do you see this case alone as being bad for religion and/or religious people, or is it the ideology behind it? In either case, what bad effects do you personally expect to see or fear may happen?

The answer is all of the above. Next! OK, I guess I’ll expand on this.

Here’s my preamble: I’m a firm believer in the separation of church and state. (And the graphic on this page REALLY creeps me out, if you were wondering.) The Jehovah’s Witnesses are extraordinarily good at this separation, not saluting the flag, e.g., because they believe their allegiance should only be to God.

But the Witnesses (and I’m not faulting here) are also largely uninvolved in society in a way that is not for me. I think that the job of religion is to try to prod the state to do the right thing – see Martin Luther King, Jr., who never ran for office – but NOT to BE the state. There ought not to be a national religion, and there should not be the establishment of a preferred religion by any individual state.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas suggested that latter scenario; Clarence Thomas is flat out wrong. The due process clause of the 14th Amendment applies here. The separation arrangement, I believe, serves the state well, but it is for the betterment of religious institutions also.

I also bristle at the notion of the United States being founded as a Christian nation, because it sounds like theocracy, where the state and the church are one. This has seldom worked well, as one entity inevitably compromises the role of the other. I’m thinking monarchs as heads of the church, or ayatollahs controlling the government, e.g. And I won’t even get into the US slavery thing.

Check out this article in the Uncommon God, Common Good blog. Speaking about the recent public prayer case, the writers note: “While many Evangelicals and other Christians hailed the SCOTUS ruling as an example of the protections of religious freedoms, those in minority religions, as well as atheists, strongly disagreed. For them, this was yet another instance of Christian privilege and a denial of equal access to others.”

To the specific question: It’s a lot of issues, most of which others have said.

One point is not dissimilar to my argument against that I made about the proposed Arizona law to discriminate against gays, which was broad enough to justify all sorts of religious exceptions to discriminate if one had Deeply Held Beliefs, including Sharia law.

Of course, Sharia law is the #1 fear of a certain segment of the population that thinks the Muslim US President is manipulating to bring to America. That potential law would have put the state in the business of determining what a person’s, or for goodness sake, a business’s(!) Deeply Held Beliefs are, which, I will contend, weakens the impact of religion.

There is an odd dualism about religious bodies. Because religions that have policies that define what their belief systems are, they are allowed to discriminate; a Catholic priest doesn’t have to marry his male parishioner to a female of a different faith, e.g. On the other hand, churches and synagogues and temples, because they have certain tax status bestowed upon them by the state, have at least a suggestion of responsibly to provide services to the community, a function which is not expected of a private firm.

The state, though, ought not to discriminate. (It does, to moneyed interests and the like, but that’s another argument altogether.) The state ought to be providing equal protection under the law, which means not allowing a creation of the state, such as a corporation, to dictate discriminatory policy to the state, and to the public it is supposed to serve.

This is why we rightly celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This law said, “I don’t care that you don’t want to have black people on your buses; seat them. Treat people fairly.” It even dictated to private businesses, in terms of hotel accommodations, because those businesses were a creation of the state.

Hobby Lobby is not a church or any other form of religious institution, yet, many will argue, is being treated as though it were one. That cheapens the value of the houses of faith.

Or as the story I originally cited notes:

“One way to look at it is this: The whole point of establishing a corporation is to create an entity separate from oneself to limit legal liability… Therefore, Hobby Lobby is asking for special protections/liability limits that only a corporation can get on the one hand, and special protections that only individuals, churches and religious organizations get, on the other. It seems awfully dangerous to allow corporations to have it both ways.“

Historically, churches have provided sanctuary; Hobby Lobby cannot. There is understood confidentiality between a person and clergy; talking with the sales clerk at Hobby Lobby, even about deeply personal issues, does not afford the same protection.

Then there’s the false notion that most people of faith actually support the Hobby Lobby ruling, when a “Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) survey conducted in early June found that a substantial majority of almost every major U.S. Christian group support the idea that publicly-held corporations and privately-owned corporations should be required to provide employees with healthcare plans that cover contraception and birth control at no cost.” So while the ruling may mean “freedom” for a narrow band of religious folks, it runs contrary to the wishes of most people of faith.

On this and many other issues, many Christians, in particular, are tired of being perceived in the mind of the general public as associated with a theological framework that does not represent our beliefs. Some people, probably including you, Arthur, have called on, for lack of a better word, “liberal” Christians to be more vocal.

I dare say some of us feel like we’ve been screaming but not being heard, because much of the mainstream press still use the shortcut of defining the more “conservative” elements of the church as the totality of the church. They use language such as “faith-based Christians” or “Bible-believing Christians”, as though only a certain segment of us have “real” faith or are informed by The Word. Ticks me off.

So I LOVED this story: Clergy Protest Supreme Court By Handing Out Condoms At Hobby Lobby. And given that SCOTUS has erased buffer zones at Planned Parenthood sites in the past month, this seems an inspired act.

What I fear will happen is already happening. This business wants to exclude drug X for religious reasons, that business wants to exclude drug Y, almost always involving prescriptions taken by women. Often these products, in addition to providing birth control, tend to women’s other medical conditions. So I think this is also an anti-woman decision, which those of us of a certain faith tradition find unacceptable.

Sidebar: read Amy’s poem, Hysterical Women Running Amok.

A person of means in this country inevitably gets better health care than a person without; that has long been true. The IDEA of Obamacare, for all its flaws, is that there would be, if not a level playing field, a more level one. These religious exceptions are negating the equal protection that the state ought to be providing. “Faith” perceived as a force for injustice weakens the church.

(There was a whole WWJD paragraph here I tossed, not because I don’t have an opinion, but because it would lead to the silly season. Would Jesus want Obamacare to cover Plan B contraceptive?)

I do believe that the Jesus I know stood for justice for the poor and the oppressed and the “other” and that the Christian thing to do is to not let churches, or – I can’t believe I’m writing this – closely-held corporations with Deeply Held Beliefs (as though there could be such things) to dictate a discriminatory policy on the government. It’s bad governance, and it’s bad for religion.

Did this answer the question, at all?
Unrelated to Hobby Lobby, but very related to Christians and justice: Tar Sands: When it’s Hard to Pray in Jesus’ Name: “How do you proclaim your faith when that faith is culturally aligned with injustice?” In fact, read other pieces from this blog, and from Uncommon God, Common Good, which is mentioned above.

Methodist church in Oneonta stands for LGBT rights; Karen Oliveto to speak May 17, 18

First UMC Oneonta has a long history of standing for justice. Our work, however, regarding inclusivity in the church is not about an issue, it is about people—our people.

I was reading the website of the First United Methodist Church in Oneonta, NY. It’s a pretty special place whose motto is: Open Hearts Open Minds Open Doors. It is A Reconciling Congregation, which, in UMC parlance, means to “create full inclusion of all God’s children regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.” I should note that my parents-in-law are members of the church.

The congregation did something rather remarkable, especially if you understand church polity. It held a:

Special Church Conference on Sunday, March 16… to discuss a resolution presented to the congregation by the Recon­ciling Ministries team of our church… After two hours of discussion, listening, amendments, voting, and tears, the special session of church conference voted to pass an amended resolution. It reads:

RESOLVED, that First United Methodist Church of Oneonta, New York will withhold 40% of its remaining apportionment from the Upper New York An­nual Conference in 2014 and will [withhold] 100% of its apportionment beginning in 2015. In 2014 the 40% withheld will be redirected to the Reconciling Minis­tries Network. 40% of the 100% withheld in 2015 and beyond will be given to RMN, and 60% will be given to other ministries as determined by the First United Methodist Church of Oneonta. This practice will continue until the United Methodist Church removes the discriminatory language from the Book of Discipline and grants gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people all rights and privileges accorded to heterosexual people, specifically ordina­tion and marriage.

The resolution was then sent to our bishop, Rev. Mark Webb, along with a letter composed by the Reconciling Ministries team here at our church. The bishop re­sponded promptly, asking if Pastor Emily and Pastor Teressa would sit down with him, our district superintendent Rev. Jan Rowell, and his executive assistant Chris­tine Doran… We were able to sit down together on Wednesday, April 9th during the bishop’s noon break.

The bishop began the meeting in prayer and then expressed several times that this meeting was in no way a reprimand nor was there any negativity. We discussed the action our church has taken and why this decision was made. The Bishop indicated that he understands the pain and heartache the congregation feels, and that he has to manage these types of actions being taken by churches… A time is being set up for our District Superintendent, Rev. Jan Rowell, to have a conversation with the con­gregation about the issue—Monday, May 12th in the evening at 6:30 p.m.

First UMC Oneonta has a long history of standing for justice. We make our voices heard on many different issues—hunger, homelessness, human trafficking, health care, education to name a few… . Our work, however, regarding inclusivity in the church is not about an issue, it is about people—our people. It is about the wonderful church family that worships together, learns together, spends time in fellowship, and lends their hands and hearts in service. Our denomination currently holds that some of our active and engaged members cannot have the same rights as others who worship along­ side them. No matter how gifted and talented they are, some members cannot become clergy. No matter how committed and loving their relationship is, some members cannot get married in their home sanctuary. This church takes a stance on many issues, but we understand that equality isn’t an issue. It is simply the way God calls us to live as citizens of God’s commonwealth.


KarenOlivetoSAVE THE DATE—May 18, 2014 First UMC will be celebrating 25 years as a Reconciling Congregation by bringing Rev. Karen Oliveto, pas­tor at Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco, to our pulpit on May 18. In her pastoral assignments she has expanded congregations and has been instrumental in the effort to open the doors of the United Methodist Church to all persons including those identifying as LBGTQ and their families.

As for me, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you. ~Genesis 9:9
I will take you as my people, and I will be your God. ~Exodus 6:7a

At its heart, covenant is about belonging. We belong to God. As the Body of Christ we also belong to each other. God commits to us and we, in turn, commit to be God’s people. Covenant knits us together. God initiates covenant and never betrays the call, gifts, and promises given to God’s people.

The church exists because God’s Holy Spirit has called us together and bound us in covenant for the purpose of a particular mission: God calls us into the church to accept the cost and joy of discipleship, to be servants in the service of the whole human family, to proclaim the gospel to all the world and resist the powers of evil, to share in Christ’s baptism and eat at his table, to join him in his passion and victory.

Bound together in this covenant, as disciples, we form what many call the beloved community. We have in­sisted, always, on the importance of walking together in all of God’s ways. We are called to be careful caretak­ers of this covenant, stewards of our relationship with God and one another. Though the month of May is a busy time and our calendars fill up quickly, let us commit to be stewards of our covenant. Let us be sure to make time to be together in community, to be the Body of Christ.

There will be one service at 10:00 am with a luncheon after. Rev. Oliveto is a remarkable preacher, teacher, and theologian. A few of us have had the wonderful honor of hearing her speak and preach at national events. Please save the date and come worship and celebrate with this wonderful church family! And please RSVP to the church office so we have plenty of food for fellowship after the service.

In order to take full advantage of Rev. Oliveto’s visit, we will not only hear her preach but glean some of her wonderful wisdom. On Saturday, May 17, First United Methodist of Oneonta will be offering a work­shop: Evangelism: A Ministry of Invitation, facilitated by Rev. Dr. Karen Oliveto. Rev. Oliveto is also part of the adjunct faculty at Pacific School of Religion teaching evangelism. Evangelism can be a “scary” word. She will help us develop approaches in becoming intentional in our invitation to invite and nurture “disciples for the transformation of the world” (Upper NY Conference mission statement). The workshop will be from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm with lunch provided. The workshops are designed to be appropriate for both youth and adults and we encourage our youth to attend and be part of the conversation. Reservations would be appreciated by Thurs. May 15. Please indicate in your response if you need childcare on Saturday.

You may email or call the church office. Phone: 607 432-4102.

And there’s this:

ALL God’s people. In May we light the candle for Bishop Melvin Talbert. Bishop Talbert is retired from the Western Jurisdiction and has recently been brought up on charges for performing a same-gender mar­riage. He is the first Bishop to have done so. Bishop Talbot was also a colleague of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King during the Civil Rights Movement. During General conference 2012 he has started advocating for Bibli­cal Obedience; challenging the United Methodist Church to put obedience to the Bible before the Book of Dis­cipline.


May Rambling #1: Depression; and ABCW’s Leslie gets married

The thing I remember most about the 1964-65 World’s Fair in NYC , as was true of many people, was the Belgian waffle.

music.clockMy April was much better than my March, but between blog connectivity problems (more anon), and back pain that kept me out of work for a couple of days, followed by four days out of town for work training, which compressed other tasks, I didn’t a chance to update the April Rambling since April 17. Moreover, I discovered some links from as much as two years ago I was GOING to use but they fell through the cracks. Meaning that I’ll do another one at the end of the month. Always said that if blogging got too hard, I would not do it. And this, comparatively, is the easy post I need right now.

An article about depression I was going to include in a different blog post. Some of the earlier posts from this blog I liked too. The blogger also linked to the TEDx talk Andrew Solomon: Depression, the secret we share. “The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality, and it was vitality that seemed to seep away from me at that moment.” When I imagine many people’s understanding of depression, I think of that famous scene in the movie Moonstuck where the Nicolas Cage character says “I’m in love with you,” and the Cher character slaps him and says, “Snap out of it,” as though that were the answer.

Developed in conjunction with the World Health Association (WHO), this link provides a quick adult ADHD screening test. (I scored in the “likely” range.) But I believe that daydreaming is NOT a disorder; so does Amy. Amy also notes: my faith can’t be pegged on whether This Actually Happened or That Actually Didn’t; I concur.

Why Anthony is a bit uncomfortable with fundamentalist Christians, even though they share many of his theological convictions, in a musical motif.

Was Jesus gay? An Anglican priest says, “Probably.” And The Top 8 Ways To Be ‘Traditionally Married,’ According To The Bible.

55,000 Christians: We’re ‘Appalled By Sarah Palin’s Twisted Misrepresentation Of Our Faith’

Helping Kids Deal with Overcoming Loss. Also, LIKE…Ummm Let’s Learn to Communicate…Dude!!

Sometimes, I just like a blog post because I totally agree with it. SamuraiFrog hates second-hand smoke, and goodness knows, my tolerance is extremely low. Dustbury is put off by visiting folks who constantly have the TV on, even when they’re not watching it; also, the assumption of privilege.

Arthur wrote:

Sometimes I offer…information unsolicited, but most of the time I don’t say anything unless asked rather than appear to be a “know-it-all”. How do YOU decide when to share a fact and when to remain silent?

I say less and less, barring someone potentially coming to bodily harm. That is unless we’re having an interactive conversation about a mutually interesting topic, like the chat I recently had with our departing intern about music, which involved Woody Guthrie, the Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds album, and Sly & the Family Stone.

Reading Literature Makes Us Smarter and Nicer. As though I didn’t know.

Leslie, my most helpful majordomo on ABC Wednesday, got married on May 1 to her Lorne. She wrote about JOYOUS JUMBLE of JITTERS and Lists and Magical Music and being a little nervous about the nuptials and their Odyssey, which began in 1969; let’s PARTY! A shoutout from Reader Wil.

SCOTUS Justice Antonin Scalia’s Blunder Is Unprecedented.

GayProf is back with University Admini-o-crats.

Man Buys 10,000 Undeveloped Negatives At a Local Auction and Discovers One of The Most Important Street Photographers of the Mid 20th Century. It’s a bit more complicated than that, but great pictures.

The extraordinarily 80s Crossgates promo film, touting the local mall I eventually learned to hate.

Taking Rube Goldberg Seriously: What fictional inventions say about American ingenuity.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.

5 Clearly Fake News Stories The Media Told You Were True.

List of the 101 Best Written TV Series from the WGA, West.

The insanity of political correctness continues.

This Man Somehow Solved The Hardest ‘Wheel of Fortune’ Puzzle Ever! Hey, I got the first word…

The Comics that Corrupted Our Kids!

Rebecca Jade, niece #1, singing I’d Rather Go Blind, the Etta James song.

Tosy: U2 – ranked 90-81.

50 Years Ago last month: the 1964-65 World’s Fair Opens in Queens, New York. Our family did not go until 1965, and the thing I remember most, as was true of many people, was the Belgian waffle. Frog has a sidebar about the Fair.

What 1939 Thought Fashion in 2000 Would Look Like.

Pavlova and friend.

More on the five-second rule.

Knowing my penchant for Chucks, someone sent me this: Chuck Taylors vs. Jordans: Sneaker love goes head to head.

Viola Smith plays drums on “Snake Charmer” (1939). She was one of the first professional female drummers.

Harry Belafonte’s journey to the top.

Neko Case and the case for/against religion.

Apropos of nothing, almost every time I read something about swimming, the Peter Gabriel song I Go Swimming, from the live album, pops into my head, especially that opening bass line.

Book Review: Abbey Road to Ziggy Stardust by Ken Scott.

Evanier on coincidence, again. This involves Joe Simon, Jack Kirby, Mort Meskin, and a phone call from Sid Jacobson.

Al Feldstein, R.I.P. He was the MAD magazine editor for nearly 30 years, starting in 1956, so I grew up with his iteration of the publication.

What else did I see the late Bob Hoskins in, besides Nixon and of course, Who Framed ROGER Rabbit? (Here’s a bit of music from the latter.) An episode of Frasier, the movie Mrs. Henderson Presents (2005), and most recently, 2010’s Made in Dagenham, which I didn’t see until the following year.

Muppet related: Tick-Tock Sick and The Bug Band play The Beatles and Born to Add and Smoke Gets In Your Eyes and Pöpcørn and Hey, Food.

50 Shades, Chapter 24 and Chapter 25, and Chapter 26. The end, Hallelujah!

The blog is dead, long live the blog.

GOOGLE ALERT (about me)

Be careful what you ask for, Roger! This becomes the music choice when Jaquandor is too busy to pick a “traditional” Something for Thursday. Buying a house WILL do that to one.

Arthur name checks me a tittynope.

Dustbury sympathizes with my new computer purchase. Then the Sooner explains why Oklahoma residents who produce their own energy through solar panels or small wind turbines on their property will now be charged an additional fee.

Proposed Arizona legislation supports Sharia law

ANY religion can be reason for taking a wide range of discriminatory actions against another.

It’s quite the irony: Arizona was one of the states that had introduced legislation banning Sharia law, which is the moral code and religious law of a prophetic religion; this usually understood to refer to Islam in our country.

Yet with the passage of Arizona Senate Bill 1062, passed by both houses of the AZ legislature, the legislature may have inadvertently opened the door for Sharia law in the state.

But conservative Arizonans should also remember that as there is no state-sanctioned religion in the United States, SB 1062 provides a foothold into Arizona of both Sharia law, and, yes, even Satanism. Believe it or not, “the Devil made me do it”… will become the law of the land in the Grand Canyon state.

Take a look at the bill. The items crossed out like so was in the original law. Items IN CAPS are the new regulations.

Sec. 2.  Section 41-1493.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
41-1493.01.  Free exercise of religion protected; definition
A.  Free exercise of religion is a fundamental right that applies in this state even if laws, rules or other government actions are facially neutral.
B.  Except as provided in subsection C, government OF THIS SECTION, STATE ACTION shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability.
C.  Government STATE ACTION may substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion only if it THE GOVERNMENT OR NONGOVERNMENTAL PERSON SEEKING THE ENFORCEMENT OF STATE ACTION demonstrates that application of the burden to the person PERSON’S EXERCISE OF RELIGION IN THIS PARTICULAR INSTANCE is both:
1.  In furtherance of a compelling governmental interest.
2.  The least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.
D.  A person whose religious exercise is burdened in violation of this section may assert that violation as a claim or defense in a judicial proceeding, and obtain appropriate relief against a government REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE GOVERNMENT IS A PARTY TO THE PROCEEDING.
F.  THE PERSON ASSERTING A CLAIM OR DEFENSE UNDER SUBSECTION D OF THIS SECTION MAY OBTAIN INJUNCTIVE AND DECLARATORY RELIEF.  A party who prevails in any action to enforce this article against a government shall recover attorney fees and costs.
E.  G.  In FOR THE PURPOSES OF this section, the term substantially burden is intended solely to ensure that this article is not triggered by trivial, technical or de minimis infractions.

Thus religion – ANY religion – can be the reason for taking a wide range of discriminatory actions against another. The law was supposedly “helping” people who did not want to serve gays. But might not a mixed-race couple be denied service because “MY religion” frowns on such things? That pregnant young woman does not appear to have a ring on her finger; throw her out! Talk about your slippery slope. The burden of proof is on the government to declare a compelling state need. This is not merely discriminatory, it is bad law.

The Oklahoma law considered back in 2010 was just as awful, but they had the good sense not to pass it. I would support a boycott of any state passing and signing into law, such a draconian measure, because only the loss of resources will have any effect on changing the tide.

The no-sex zone

The trouble with the virginity pledge is that while it may be an “effective means of delaying sexual intercourse initiation among those inclined to pledge…; pledging does not appear to affect sexual safety among pledgers who fail to remain abstinent.”

“According to a fascinating and bewildering investigation in the Guardian by Abigail Haworth Japanese young people are losing interest not just in marriage but in romantic relationships. “Some have even given up on sex. The national press is calling it sekkusu shinai shokogun, or celibacy syndrome.” This is, of course, having a terrible impact on the nation’s birth rate.

Reading this, naturally, the first thing I think of is the song Turning Japanese by the Vapors, which has the lines:
No sex, no drugs, no wine, no women
No fun, no sin, no you, no wonder it’s dark
Everyone around me is a total stranger
Everyone avoids me like a cyclone Ranger

LISTEN to Turning Japanese HERE

“Songwriter David Fenton explains: ‘Turning Japanese is all the clichés about angst and youth and turning into something you didn’t expect to.'” He denies that it contains either the sexual or racial connotations to which it has been attributed. “It could have been (turning) Portuguese, Lebanese, anything that fitted with that phrase. It has nothing to do with the Japanese,” the guitar lick and the video image notwithstanding.

That story about the young Japanese came out around the same time as I noticed articles on Facebook from some Christian pastors suggesting that sex is not meant for enjoyment, but that one ought to read a book or see a movie if one wants to have fun.
It’s ironic that young Japanese have inadvertently adopted the credo of ministers half a world away. (Perhaps they should read this – WARNING: explicit – article about the joys of premarital sex.)

Of course, part of the argument against premarital sex, beyond the religious, has to do with an unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Even now, About half of the of the 6.7 million pregnancies in the U.S. each year are unplanned… and “women with incomes at or below the federal poverty line are five times more likely than those at the highest income levels to become pregnant by accident.”

The trouble with the virginity pledge is that while it may be an “effective means of delaying sexual intercourse initiation among those inclined to pledge…; pledging does not appear to affect sexual safety among pledgers who fail to remain abstinent.” Indeed, ‘abstaining’ teens still get STDs.

When it comes to sex, ignorance is NOT bliss.

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